Unattended Luggage in Vienna - Four generation, migration between continents over decades

We are happy to announce the "Austrian premiere" of Unattended Luggage at the paraflows X festival for digital art and culture. Unattended Luggage, one of our Physical Narrations, has been developed in 2012, as part of the pan-European project PARN (Physical and Alternate Reality Narratives).
Unattended Luggage explores the story of four generations of a fictional family oscillating between Austria and New York, a collage of desires, homesickness, Wanderlust and hope.
As the overarching theme of this year's "paraflows x festival for digital art and cultures" is Digital Migration / Wanderungsbewegungen, Unattended Luggage with its four generations of family, crossing the Atlantic and the world, desiring the distant, abandoning what is close, following instincts and escaping dangers seems to fit perfectly..