Representation of voices collected during the Futuring Overtures

The Futuring Overture display will represent the plethora of voices collected during four workshops held in November as part of Presents of the Future. These workshops are the first step from several, focussed on possible Futures of Europe with the unique perspectives of Malta, part of the cultural program of the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union with the support of Arts Council Malta and the Valletta 2018 Foundation
During the Futuring Overture sessions we have had the pleasure to meet more than 100 interested people, all of them willing to share their ideas, their concerns and knowledges with us. People of all ages, with all sorts of diverse backgrounds and from all (far) corners of the islands. Students as well as pensioners, artists, heads of councils, teachers, road-construction workers and many, many more. Most of the people attending have been born in Malta, some of them have been living abroad and came back, others took Malta to be their adoptive home and a few have been tourists, visiting friends over here in Malta and dragged along to participate in the session. Simply a great breadth of thoughts and philosophies.
The last weeks we spent with summarizing, analysing and synthesizing these voices. Transferring them into a "preferencing system", allowing a broader public to get involved in the sketching and scheming of possible Futures of Europe. The innovative "wiki survey" system developed at All Our Ideas has been adapted to this situation.
The display in the Esplora Science Museum consists of this preferencing system, a video documentary, a book collecting the worksheets of the workshops and a smattering of photographs showing the variety of participants.