A climate and system changed possible future

Through a process of scenario planning based upon futures processes and the current state of the oceans, we have developed a model for a small town that has transformed through this development to become an example of what a possible future might be like.
The future is informed by the question of sustainability on all levels, from workers, communities, education and culture to raw materials, ecosystems and climate. This town is blessed with innovative seaweed farmers de-toxing the water with kelp and other seaweed beds, plastic fishers and jellyfish collectors, a small trading harbour visited by the coastal traders and cross Atlantic travellers as well as the best Medusozoa chef on the continent.
Turnton is part of Changing Weathers, a pan-European project undertaken together with Zavod Projekt Atol (as coordinator) (SI), Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory (SI), Bioart Society Finnland (FI); Hilde Merete Methi, (NO); Stichting Sonic Acts (NL) and RIXC Center for New Media Culture (LV).